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Zen and the Art of Truck-Boat-Truck Maintenance is the fifth episode of the thirteenth season of Squidbillies. It first aired on November 21st, 2021 on [adult swim], alongside "Who-Gives-a-Flip?".


Early achieves enlightment, then shoves it down everyone's else throat.


Early takes up yoga, only to go mad with power.

Early's Trucker Hats[]

  • "Booty Hunter"
  • "Georgia Bulldog" trucker hat (fantasy)
  • "Buddha Hugger" (fantasy)


Theme Song Performer[]


  • Some clips of this episode have been uploaded on Adult Swim's YouTube Channel, and a few clips were used originally in the Season 13 trailer such as the scene with Early and the stripper.
    • Sharif's cigarette was blurred out when a small clip of the episode played in the original Season 13 trailer and second promo of the thirteen season, where Tracy Morgan was voicing Early.
  • At the beginning of the episode, Sharif says "Good Lord!", in his Sheriff's Office, to come out, to Early, as he is on the sidewalk, tweaked, with his 12 gauge shotgun and Booty Hunter trucker hat, when Sharif stated "what happened man!", he tweaked his back out, due to an incident of him putting a neon kit to his truck, and his mother was seen in the truck. Later on, Early revealed that he is heading to the Pharmacy, with his shotgun, as he is gonna negotiate his copay, as he cracks open a jar of Spirin pills and pours the said pills in his mouth.
  • When drilling in the neon kit for his truck, he says that he is putting himself in the neon kit, that is gonna light up like the Fourth of July, any time that he revs up the engine. He tells his mother to flip the switch "now" and states a "Come on!", she does this alright, but the truck ends up crushing Early Cuyler, and his back, explaining why his back was tweaked, and Early screams "ahh!", and said it was the "wrong switch", as it was his low-ride lift kit. Granny then asks "How 'bout this one?", as she presses one of the truck's buttons, which light up.
    • Granny: "Ooh!", "Look at that."
    • Early: "I know", "Ahh!", "Looks badass", "Ahh!."
  • As he knows, Sharif stated that he found a solution from his traumatic back injury, that didn't involve any shredding his stomach lining with fistfuls of aspirin' all day. When Early asks about how he got his traumatic back injury, Sharif shows the "This is Me Whupin Sharufs Stupid Ass!!!! Whooo!!!!" video from the episode "Blue Lives Battered", where Early beats Sharif with his truck nuts, which was technically a "damn" trailer hitch teabag for him. After watching the video on Sharif's cellphone, Early said "Nope" because it "Don't ring a bell" for him, and Sharif stated that his point is that he tried everything to ease the pain, but he got no relief at all, until he discovered Kundalini yoga.
  • When Sharif stretches his legs, Early asks him if he went to the mosque, where they turn you into a gay, the former stated that it ain't a mosque, which he tells him to come down and meet his yoga guru Yogi Daniel, and hands him a yoga booklet of him, to fix him right up.
  • When Early and Sharif enter Yogi Daniel's Yoga Studio, Yogi Daniel is heard saying "Take a deep breath for me, and exhale", the latter carries the former, via hands, and tells him to get on one of the loaner mats over there, Early thought he would kneel to Mecca, which he won't do it, Kyle Nubbins replies with a "damn it", and Early laughs at him, and mentioned that it was funny seeing him in the mosque, referring to him as "pastor", which the former then leaves the building as he rolls up his loaner mat, who then mentions that it was good while it lasted, Early then mentioned "Christian on Sunday, Muslim on Monday".
  • This is the very first episode of the season where Glenn doesn't speak any lines, and has no involvement in the episode's plot of any kind.
  • When Early says "Sweet mother of whorehound", his back continues to hurt, and then mentions that he rolled his eyes in sarcasm too hard. Yogi Daniel then tells him if he is okay, which he states that he has a little pinch in his back. When the yoga teacher heads to him, Early tells him "No need to turn me gay", which the former teaches him yoga to get rid of all of his pain, and the yoga teacher wants him to select a mantra as a simple phrase to ground him, to bring him back to his breathe.
  • Early's mantra was gonna be "Go, dogs, you silver britches", "You hairy, junkyard dogs", "Sic 'em!", "Woof, woof!", "We gonna step on their face with a hobnail boot and break their noses", "Lindsay Scott", "Run, Lindsay, run!", "Lindsay Scott." His yoga teacher stated it was a little long, but Early's temper is short, who tells him to keep repeating that to himself, while he holds the stretch, stating "Okay?" to him.
  • After Early meditates, he has a football fantasy of some kind, which is differently animated, where he is a bulldog, in reference to the Georgia Bulldogs, that bites an alligator, in reference to the Florida Gators, then blood pours out of his arm to splatter onto the ground and transforms into a stem to a flower, as Early's tentacles then come out of the said flower and morphs into Early, in that flower, and the Florida Gator holds hands with him in a circle alongside a Auburn Tiger, in reference to the Auburn Tigers, an blue elephant, wearing a shirt with an "A" on it, and a orange tusked pig, with a pig on his shirt, can be seen, while at the same time, Early mentions his mantra, as least two times during this fantasy, the Florida Gator and Auburn Tiger then morph into other objects such as Early's 12 gauge shotgun, Granny, and an eyeball. Dan Halen, Deputy Denny, Sheriff, his mother Granny, his son Rusty, Krystal, Tammi, and her son Macho Man Randy Cuyler also make cameos during this fantasy, when he is meditating.
  • When Early woke up from the fantasy, he stated that he was "gay", and runs out of the building, for somebody to help him, since he stated he was "gay." Yogi told him to come back, which was it was okay, since he's okay, but Early mentioned he ain't. He then asks him if "we're all one in the universe, that means I'm one with another man", meaning that he thinks he is still a gay, though, Yogi told him that he isn't gay, as he thinks he is just not angry anymore, not in pain, and he is confused about what not having those feelings means. Early stated that he must be confused because his back feels so good, he is ready to give his whole life to ISIS, not the yoga studio though, which he would get it. He then mentions "Sleeper cell, shh", while he states that it is a yoga studio, which got a big sign right above the building.
  • Granny catches Early doing yoga, with him saying his mantra, she mentions "Whoa!", "So we're doing that again, now, huh?", as she told him it ain't gonna work unless he surgically removed one of his ribs, which he done trying that, he then states about ISIS, while doing yoga.
  • Granny mentions that she knows all about what it is, and a "good luck" for Early, but the latter tells her to stop, as he knows what she is thinking of it being a mosque, but he is telling her, "if this here is what sharia law is like sign me up", Granny refers this as "Sharie's Law", and what happened, as she thought that an another child got snatched.
  • Early asked if she is tired of her clutches, which he referred to as a "walker", he told her to look there, and how "he'll" show her how to get rid of it, she mentions the pawn shop said "they'd" give her five dollars for it, Early then grabs her, as he says "Get over here, damn it", as he uses yoga to help her. Early now had to pick her some smoothing words to repeat it, she yells "Get the f**k away from me!" went she runs away from him, Early stated "alright, that'll" would work, now just for him to repeat it, she says her same "Get the f**k away from me!", as a get away line, from Early and then leaves. When leaving the house, Early tells her that she "got's" to stretch while she is doing it, though, she then says her get away line again then she heads to a river and waterfall, while Early tells "that's it", to let her control her breathing, she then falls off the waterfall and into the waters, after saying her get away line again.
  • After Granny falls into the waters, Early stated that he thinks she is loosening up, now just go with the flow, she says "You know" as she is feeling better, but hits her head on a rock, with blood splattering on the rock and on the waters.
  • Early inhales and breathes, when doing his yoga, while Krystal is wheezing, Early goes into Krystal to arch her butt, he holds her back, she asks about front butt or back butt, who he claimed "Both butts, all of them. Come on!", he said "There you go, here", to "Link your vinyasa to your pranayama, chaturanga!" Krystal asks why he is speaking Arabic at her, which he believe it is, Krystal was tied up together, and Early told her to look at the bliss spread across her face, but no one was allow to see that, and puts a Virgin mask on her face. Later on, when Early rolls her, she wanted to ask him that she wanted her scooter, but Early responds with a "No, no", as ain't no females are allowed to drive, she ends rolling away from him.
    • Early: "Come on, let's go."
    • Early: "Whoa, whoa, whoa."
    • Early: "Hold up, now."
    • Early: "You're supposed to stay five paces behind me!"
  • Randy says "No, papa!", "It hards", when Early is trying to do yoga with him, which Early thought was a good mantra to say it again, Rusty and Tammi head to him to not bent up his son, even though, Early stated it was just yoga, which Early does.
  • Tammi questions how Early is doing yoga, as she thought he was really pulling her leg, Early tells her that he would pull her leg into the Lord of the Fishes pose, which he does, Rusty rushes to Tammi to tell Early to gets his hands off of his girlfriend, Tammi technically mentions ex-girlfriend, due to Tammi being his wife. She mentions "but yes", because her hamstring feels pretty good, Early mentions that she needs her own mantra, and asks if she knows what a mantra is, which Rusty thought was one of them real big trucks, like at the mantra truck rally. Early laughs at him and calls him a silly boy, says "Namaste", Rusty states "It's Mama Day", and thought it was Happy Mama's Day, to her and pulls out a root, Randy does the same thing too.
  • At The Jiggle Hut, Early told a stripper, that is wearing a red bikini, that resembles Darla, and is wearing a Virgin mask, telling her to loosen up her hip flexors, if she knows, as he didn't want her pulling a glute when her ass is clapping.
  • Like Leroy in "Scorn on the 4th of July", Early calls the blonde stripper a "blondie", to bring him an ice-cold kabuchi, if she heard, the stripper is also wearing a Virgin mask. Ellis come by to tell Early to get his veils off of his dancers, as he explains that some of these "freaks" like the faces. Early told Ellis "No judgement here", but asks about his dancers could stand to be a little bit more flexible. Early tells him to look at the Cherries Jubilee, who is moving like a scarecrow, Ellis then stated "Ugh!" because he begged her to take a break, after the tractor rolled on to her, but she got them bills.
  • Early asks Ellis if he sees all of the loose cents on the stage, as he explains its because none of them can bend down far enough to pick it up, Ellis explains that most of them pennies and nickels that a person named J-Mad winged from the back, the said J-Mad person laughs and then throws coins, Ellis stated that he could kick him out, but he is his daddy, meaning Ellis is the son of J-Mad.
  • Yogi Daniel shows up at the Jiggle Hut, and Early sees him, as he was just talking to him, saying "Namaste, my dude!", as Yogi needed to talk with him.
  • Outside of the strip club, Early stated that yoga changes lives, calling Yogi "brother", he can't believe that he is gonna blow up his mosque, Yogi tells him again that it wasn't a mosque, it was a yoga studio instead, he knows that he could make that his mantra, as "It's not a mosque. It's a yoga studio", Early gives a "Nah!" because he likes his mantra plenty, as it fires him up and keeps him calm at the same time, kind of like what speedballing used to do for him.
  • According to Yogi, which he told Early to listen, he is running people away from his business, which he has to stop, and he has to stop right now. Early hears this, as he thinks people have to find yoga on their own, "you can't blow it up their asses with a shotgun", even though I know you would love for me to do that, then stated that ISIS isn't for everybody.
  • In Yogi Daniel's yoga fantasy, he says "All beings have value", before being interrupted by Early about ISIS.
  • After being woken up from his fantasy, due to Early, and sobbing, Yogi ask "what happened to him", because how can he be trusted to spread a message of serenity and flexibility, when he can no longer control his own emotions, as he removes his pony tail from his head, Early then mentioned "That's why I'm done following you", as it was time for him to fly on, start his own, unique brand of yoga, for proprietary, Yogi's last words are "Namaste" for him and leaves, as Early stated that he "ain't" using no words, as he is gonna use his own words, like "hibbety-jibbety" and "whippety-dippety-do", and told him to don't use them, as them words were his now.
  • Krystal is still tied up, falls and rolls down to the Jiggle Hut, as cats are heard growling and she is groaning, with an "oh no!", and her Virgin mask falls of her face, and crashes into a vehicle, making an alarm, that is heard offscreen.
  • The name for Early's yoga service is called "Early's Hi-End Xpensive Yoga", where Sharif and Kyle Nubbins visit, Early stated that the loaner mats are called a "mminy-jimm", as they need to spin around and keep spinning around, now say "hiy-jimminy", and wiggle their hands in the air, as Sharif is doing, and saying a few "hiy-jimminys", until he says "Uh, no" as he gets tired, Nubbins rolls up his mat and stated it ain't no form of yoga that "I've" never seen and leaves, Early mentioned that he is keeping his deposit, though, as fine by him. Meanwhile, Sharif does a few more "hiy-jimminys", Early told Sharif to come over to him, because he had a flesh new move to teach him.
  • Granny, who got hit by a rock, with blood following her, while in the waters, can be seen falling down the waterfall.
  • The next scene shows Early and Sharif on the top of a waterfall and a bridge, that previously appeared in "America: Why I Love Her", Sharif questions if it is actual yoga, Early told to "go on, now" by saying a "Whip-dippity-do", which Sharif asks why aren't Early doing it, which Early claims that he done got enlightening already. Sharif asks "Well", as he feels like Early should do it too, as a though, Early asks himself if he told himself to jump off a bridge, and tells him a "do you think I ought to do it?", Sharif mentioned that he isn't jumping off the "damn" bridge, Early does a Simon says, he then sighs, and then "Okay, whip-dippety-dooooooo!" as he jumps off the bridge and into the waterfall, with a splashing effect here, says a "Ooh!". Early claimed that he said it wrong.
  • At the end of the episode, Early is seen at the strip club with a stripper, drinking beer, and stating that's how he lost his yoga business, to him claiming "Don't never tell all your students to jump off a bridge".
  • Early calls the stripper a "darling" and tries to give her a Nickle, but as she tries to grab it, Early drops it and says a "Whoopsie!", in reference to the episodes "Take This Job & Love It" and "Giant Foam Dickhat Trouble", Early tells her to "see now" with a little yoga, "you'd be down on that quicker than stink on sh*t", Early tells her to "dig this here", when he grabs the coins, via ass, and the woman tries to grab the coin again but Early slaps her arm, by stating "Hell, no, woman!", because she had her "damn" chance.
    • Early: "Unh!, Unh!, Unh!." "Himminy-jimminy.", "Whip-dippity-do!", as he picks up all of dollar bills and coins in his ass then goes away, and carries his empty beer glass.
  • The words "Body rock" are heard in the song credits of this episode.
    • Song Lyrics;
    • "Body rock, Body rock, you better make that Body rock."
    • "Who's gonna make that Body rock."
    • "Drop it down,, lick it like a lollipop."
    • "Body rock, Body rock."
    • "Make your money, girl, shake that WAP."
    • "Make me want to take it like a dirty sock."
    • "Going downtown to the pastry shop, body rock, body rock."
    • "Who's gonna make that Body rock."
    • "You gonna make that Body rock."
    • "Don't stop rocking 'till the party shop."
  • This episode is the final episode in the series to have the series' usual credit sequence, which is absent in the next couple of episodes of the season.
    • "No Space Like Home", was the final episode to feature the show's usual credits theme, while this episode uses the "Body rock" song for the credits instead.

References & Allusions[]

  • The real-world terrorist groups ISIS and Al-Qaeda, are mentioned by Early throughout this episode.
    • Early said "Hell, no!", when Sharif gives a Yogi Daniel booklet, because he "ain't gonna brainwash me" into joining ISIS, since he is the foremost expert on "that damn Muslim stuff at any bar around here", in reference to Al-Qaeda, Sharif then states if a Muslim can do something by stretching his legs, and inhaling and smoking a cigarette, which the Sheriff does, but had to breathe by using an oxygen tank, due to his coughs, and states that he is trying to quit.
    • He also mentions that he is ready to give his whole life to ISIS, which Yogi tells him that the building was a yoga studio, not ISIS.
    • When Early does his yoga, he mentions that this was ISIS stretching, breathing, repeating phrases, stating that its for "Health", and he ain't never felt better.
    • After Early tied up Krystal, and put a Virgin mask on her face, she thought that she is in Al-Qaeda, which is correct. Early then tells her to get her into town and sign her up for some Muslim extremist ISIS yoga classes, and rolls her away.
    • Early told Rusty to not be prejudiced about his yoga, he mentions just because ISIS invented it.
    • Early also stated that ISIS ain't for everybody, Yogi tells "Gosh dang it", to him because it isn't ISIS, who then pushes him, he gasps, the former says a "What the...", both then speak in Early's original mantra, where Yogi has a fantasy of himself meditating, but Early interrupts by stating that ISIS ain't for everybody again, while turning into a Muslim and is firing guns, while the yoga teacher stated it isn't ISIS again, which Yogi wakes up from and sobs.
  • Lindsay Scott, the name of a retired American football wide receiver, who played for the University of Georgia and the New Orleans Saints, was mentioned by Early two times, when he was trying to start meditating.
  • The Lord of the Fishes, which is the name of pose that Early gave Tammi, is most likely a reference to Lord of the Flies.


